Sunday, February 17, 2013

Planning is KEY!

For those of you that know me you know that I love being in the kitchen.  I enjoy cooking, baking, etc.  Since we keep a pretty crazy schedule around here, I really have to plan.  I have a lot of people ask me, "How do you do it?".  Well, it really comes down to that....having a plan, sticking to the plan (which isn't always easy) and keeping everyone happy.  I thought it might be fun to document and see how well, we really can stick to a plan.  I've never been really great with budgeting. Don't get me wrong, I do ok, but not with a strick budget.  I'm going to attempt limiting my grocery trips and see how we do.  It might be tough for me and the family, but we'll see!  So, here's this weeks menu plan:

Sunday - Hamburgers with coleslaw
Monday - Hawaiian Chicken Chili (a recipe John's been hoping to try)
Tuesday - leftover night
Wednesday - Mediterranean Pasta Toss, thanks to Shrinking Kitchen (see blog list)
Thursday - Roast with mashed potatoes and green beens
Friday - Papa Murphy's (gotta have some pizza!)
Saturday - OUT! (Especially since it's going to be a busy day.)

I'll try and post some pictures and updates as the week goes.  So what are your dinner plans for the week?


  1. WOW like you don't have enough on your plate!! You go Girl I am impressed!!! I have to plan too - every Thursday we make a menu for the next week!!!! IF I did not I would probably really buy too much beer everytime I had to go to the store to get something!!! Oh what an exciting life we live!! Don't know that our meals our photo friendly but yours look good. Great job on the chili John. Hope your sweet grandmother had a FUN day yesterday. Hugs and Kisses miss you all. Love Kathy

    1. Too much beer - really? can it be a bad thing? Miss you too!!! xoxo T
