Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Matcha Green Tea with Mint and Lime

We went to a local farmers market on Sunday and I was thirsty...  water didn't sound good and I am a water drinker...  I'll crave a soda every now and then.  Break into some iced coffee.  Brew up some herbal tea.  We came across a local coffee brewer and they had a sign out for green tea.  I fell in love.  Don't get me wrong, I like tea.  Mine is usually just the tea bag, maybe some honey and that's about it.  This tea was so refreshing!  My girls tried it and even liked it!  I decided to try and reinvent it!  I don't think I did too bad...

Matcha Green Tea with Mint and Lime

8 Matcha Green Tea bags
1/4 cup fresh mint leaves
2 limes, sliced
2 quarts water

Heat water to boiling temperature.  Add mint leaves and tea bags.  Allow tea to steep for about 5-8 minutes. Add lime slices.  To serve pour over a full glass of ice, top with fresh mint leaf and enjoy!

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